New Feature: Friday's Favs

(Note: every Friday I'll post a favorite rant from the archives) from May 27, 2009 Near Total Recall I'll pick you up at the Stroh's plant after work, then we'll ride on our Uniroyal tires to Cunningham's Drugs for a milkshake. Better yet, a Vernor's float. Speaking of beverages, I'm running low on Towne Club pop, so can we stop at the distribution outlet? I have my case of empty bottles in the trunk. Then it'll be off to Great Scott! for a few groceries. If you're good, I'll treat you to dinner downtown at the Rattlesnake Club. After a day at Bob-Lo, of course. Who says you can't go home anymore? You can do it in your mind. All the time. Whenever suits your fancy. I've pedaled my bike to Cunningham's, but for the baseball cards in the dispensing machine near the registers. Then I've traded them right out front, amidst the passers-by, with my friends. Meet me at the Kern Clock. And while we're nearby, you can do some Father...