Friday's Favs
(Note: every Friday I'll post a favorite rant from the archives) from June 18, 2009 Tower of Power In a long history of silly tiffs between the city of Detroit and those beyond its borders, it was one of the silliest. But considering who was occupying the mayor's seat in the city, it was no wonder that something seemingly so innocuous could turn into the proverbial mountain from mole hill. The water tower above the Detroit Zoo became a big old bone of contention, circa mid-1980s, in the thick of Coleman Young's tenure as Hizzoner. It was all much ado about nothing, Bob Berg told me years later. With a chuckle, to boot. Berg was Mayor Young's spokesperson, both during and after Coleman's years in office. Berg and I got to know each other while I was Programming Director for Barden Cablevision in Detroit. We became friends of sorts. When my father passed away in February 1996, Bob was one of the first to send condolences. One day, chit-chatting on the phone, I mentio...