Catch Me if You Can
As far as serial rapists/sexual assailants go, the perp in Ann Arbor is moving with amazingly swift virulence. Within two weeks, there have been six attacks on women, all late at night and all within the city proper. All victims have been between their late teens and early-30s. And just in time for a new slew of freshmen girls who are arriving on campus in advance of the 2011-12 school year. As the father of an 18-year-old daughter, I'm not sure what my emotions would be like if I had to drop her off at U-M now , right when these attacks are taking place. Because one thing is certain: the assaults won't end until the assailant is caught; serial anything doesn't just stop, miraculously. The perp is either caught or dies---or else the crimes will continue. The only thing preventing more killings than the four children who were sexually assaulted and killed by the Oakland County Child Killer in the mid-1970s was likely the death of the bad guy. That's long been the theory ...