Some Answers, But More Questions
There is a notion, and one that I hold to be true more often than not, that says a serial killer or group of killers doesn't stop killing until they're caught or are dead. There's no real incentive, when you think about it, for the sociopaths and otherwise mentally ill killers to stop without provocation to do so. Why would they? They're crazy enough, in the first place, to commit such atrocities, and part of the thrill for them is the cat and mouse game played between police and killer(s). The serial killer is usually very smart (though demented), organized and purposeful, albeit that purpose is often lost on the sane. The serial killer doesn't just wake up one day and decide to stop killing. There may be gaps between murders, but they almost always continue until the perpetrator is no longer able to commit them. So the assertion today on Detroit radio that those responsible for the Oakland County Child Killings are still alive, should be met with a bunc...