Doctor, Conspirator?
His name really was Mudd. Today is the 179th birthday of the most vilified doctor this side of Mike Myers' Dr. Evil. Samuel Mudd was born on December 20, 1833. Before his 32nd birthday, he was a convicted felon. With the rebirth of Abraham Lincoln in our social consciousness (they even made a movie where Abe isn't a vampire hunter ), now is a good time to remember Dr. Mudd, who was convicted along with several others for conspiring to kill the president in 1865. Justice moved a lot quicker in those days, for good and for bad. The president was assassinated on April 14, 1865 (he died in the wee hours of the 15th). Less than a month later, Mudd and his co-defendants were on trial. By the end of June, Mudd was convicted along with the others. It was Mudd's prior acquaintance with assassin John Wilkes Booth that planted the seeds of conspiracy. Mudd first met Booth, history says, in November 1864 in a church in Bryantown, MD. Booth used a guise of a real estate hun...