Hold My Mail (Please!)
The U.S. Postal Service says it will discontinue Saturday mail delivery, possibly as soon as this summer. Why stop with Saturday? I wouldn't mind not getting mail on Tuesdays or Thursdays, either. Mondays and Wednesdays I might be able to do without as well. So I guess just deliver mail to me on Fridays---maybe every other one. Have you looked at your mail these days? Is anything grabbing you? It seems that all we are for a bulk of this mail is to be the middle man between the sender and the landfill. How much mail doesn't even get opened? The question is asked everyday at our house---usually by me, since I'm the one not home during the day. "Anything good in the mail?" The question is a red herring, because what I really mean is, "Anything bad in the mail?" Let's face it, how much "good" mail is there, anyway? My question says "good," but what I really mean---and my wife is on the same wave length---is, anything b...