ANOTHER McNamara? Yes!

At this time next year, Wayne County will have a new Executive-elect. But what about Bob Ficano, you might ask? If he wins, he'll hardly be new. This is true. Ficano is, theoretically, up for re-election next November. But his candidacy appears to be dead in the water. Ficano can't raise money, number one. He hasn't been able to for quite some time. The foibles of his character and his political machine have caught up to him. People have been distancing themselves from Ficano---people who matter. The old 10-foot pole thing. I would be very surprised if Ficano chooses to run in 2014. He ought to save himself the embarrassment, and the effort. Just fade away, head back to the private sector, work for a law firm and collect a $200,000 salary somewhere. It's too good for him, but there you go. I spent one year working for the Wayne County Commission (2010), but that's all it took for me to be impressed enough with one man who I hope runs, and who I think will ...