Moving On Up
After 27 years of delivering the weather to TV viewers, Chuck Gaidica is going to be working a little closer to the source. Gaidica, who's been telling us how to dress since 1987 on WDIV-TV (channel 4), is leaving that position in August for the ministry. He'll be joining the Oak Pointe Church in Novi as its pastor of world outreach. Leaving broadcast news for the private sector is hardly unprecedented. Nor is leaving it for the public sector; note how many television and radio journalists have joined political administrations. But it's not too often when one moves from the TV studio to the pulpit. A cynic would argue that speaking into a camera to millions every night is the perfect prep job for what Gaidica is about to embark upon. “I think maybe we all would like God to send us a message in skywriting but that didn’t happen,” Gaidica told the Detroit Free Press . “God leads people with whispers and nudges.” Gaidica's decision was hardly made in haste or o...