OK, Why Enotes?

To be honest, I was fine writing just about sports, and nothing BUT sports. One of my sports writing heroes, the late George Puscas of the Detroit Free Press, said in his farewell column that, in his mind, he didn't know why anyone would want to write about anything OTHER than sports. And I agree.

But life has a way of poking its head up and saying, "There's more going on here than what the Tigers, Pistons, Red Wings, and Lions are up to -- even though it may not be as much of a diversion or release."

A few things poked their heads up: a teenage daughter, soon to be 16 and attracting boys; a 16-year-plus marriage that provides writing material; and my decidedly left-leaning political views that really showed themselves during the recent presidential campaign. All that and more, as they say, led me to think that perhaps sports writing is just not big enough anymore.

So appearing here will be political rants, social commentary, observations, the absurdity of life (which could be all those aforementioned things, come to think of it), and basically anything not involving a puck, a pigskin, a horsehide, or a hoop.

The blog's name? A play on my last name, plus the use of the letter "e" seems to signify anything on the Web anymore (e-commerce, e-mail, etc). It's all very neat and compact, yet...NOW.

And, like I say in the blog description on the banner: I apologize in advance.


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