W-h-o C-a-r-e-s-?
First, let's call it for what it is, not what its title is. The National Spelling Bee has nothing to do with spelling. Well, maybe a little bit. But only a little bit. The Bee is, in fact, a test of one's memory. The ability to remember the order in which the letters of words that no child will ever use, come in. It's a demanding, almost cruel ordeal we put the children through. And what do they get out of it, exactly? Nausea. Cold sweats. Fainting spells -- no pun intended. Wracked nerves. Besides, the Indian-American kids seem to have this down pat, so why bother anymore? This year's winner is a 13-year-old girl from Kansas who is now the seventh Indian-American child to win the event in the past 11 years. Her name is Kavya Shivashankar. “Spelling has been such a big part of my life,” said the Scripps Spelling Bee 2009 winner to the Associated Press. Kavya has been participating in national bees for several years, including the 2008 Scripps bee. I'm sure she's...