What a Roll!

Too few things in life are certain, and the ones that are, aren't pleasant.



Dick Cheney.

And, the house always wins.

For Pat DeMauro, she took that last one and said, "Nuh-uh!"

DeMauro is a New Jersey grandmother who, in the words of craps-shooting expert Dominic "The Dominator" Loriggio, performed the equivalent of making 500 straight free throws or rolling three straight 300 perfect games in bowling.

DeMauro plunked down $100 at a $10 minimum table, grabbed the craps dice at the Borgata hotel casino in Atlantic City on Saturday and started rolling.

And rolling.

And rolling.

For four hours.

"It was great. Everyone was chanting my name and clapping and I was dancing," DeMauro said, laughing, as she talked to CNN.

In craps, rolling a seven can be very bad. And rolling a seven, mathematically, has a chance of occurring once every six rolls.

That's what makes DeMauro's feat all the more amazing.

She broke the mark of 3:06 set in 1989 by Stanley Fujitake, who was tossing at the California Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. DeMauro obliterated it by over an hour.

It gets better.

DeMauro was only shooting craps for the second time in her life. In fact, the night she got on her, ahem, roll, she was still being tutored on how to play.

“I got on a roll and just kept going for about 41/2 hours — and I was learning the game as I went along,” she said. “Most of the men that were there were really excited because I was bringing them good luck.”

Finally, after 154 successful rolls, DeMauro rolled a seven, called "sevening out".

The reigning Lady Luck, Pat DeMauro

So how much money did she win?

Grandma Pat was coy.

"Well, I wouldn't say tens of thousands of dollars, but it was good!" DeMauro said, giggling.

The more she rolled, the more she won, the more she defied the odds, a crowd gathered.

Some fellow gamers even "tipped" her with black, $100 chips. DeMauro was overhwelmed by the spontaneous show of support.

"Everyone was clapping and chanting my name and they were just ecstatic!"

So what did Loriggio, a renowned craps shooter, say when told of DeMauro's big night?

One word.


Well, shoot! You don't have to be a craps dominator to come up with that word.

DeMauro already knows what she's going to do with the dough she won.

"I told my family, this is my stimulus package for everyone," she said, laughing.

When her lucky streak finally ended, Borgata staff came to take her picture and serve Dom Perignon champagne, DeMauro said. They treated Pat and her companion to dinner and offered them a complimentary suite, which they’ll use on another visit.

And what does Borgata Casino think of DeMauro's mind-boggling night?

“We are very excited to have hosted this moment for Ms. DeMauro and have our property be a part of this historic event for the gaming industry,” said Joe Lupo Sr., vice president of operations for Borgata.

Presumably this was just before he added, "Now beat it, lady, and don't come back anytime soon."

Naah. The house wins enough. They can toss out a bone every once in a while.

In this case, like every 20 years or so.


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