Kwame the Tsunami

Add another lady to Kwame Kilpatrick's harem.

Sheryl Robinson Wood, the federal monitor for the Detroit Police Department’s consent decree with the Department of Justice, resigned Thursday because of “meetings of a personal nature” with former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.

Talk amongst yourselves.

U.S. District Judge Julian Cook issued an order today accepting her resignation.

The order said Wood had “engaged in conduct which was totally inconsistent with the terms and conditions of the two consent judgments in this litigation.”

So Kilpatrick has indirectly ruined yet another person's professional life, albeit with the complicity of said individual.

The reign of terror Kilpatrick has left in his wake is incredible.

Kilpatrick had it all, at one point. Then he wanted some more, and some more, and some booty, to boot.

This is a man for whom the world was his oyster. Kwame Kilpatrick could have been a wonderkind, a political power and success story to the nth degree. He was elected mayor of Detroit in his early-30s, and could have been on his way to a 25, 30 year career of public service, during which who knows what he might have accomplished.

Detroit, and eventually the entire state of Michigan, might have had a native son of whom we could have been supremely proud, for what he could have done at the national level. Washington would have been a likely destination. Perhaps a job in a Democratic president's cabinet.

It was all there. The chance to bring Detroit back. The opportunity to be the pied piper that the city has been desperately seeking for decades.

He was young, good-looking, and with a personality almost as big as his rotund build. A smile that could have lit up Woodward Avenue during a power outage.

Now look at him.

Squirreled away somewhere in Texas. Shamed and driven out of town. But still his "legacy" coats Detroit in molasses.

Now comes the news of Wood and her "meetings of a personal nature" with Kilpatrick.

Judge Cook said Wood had “engaged in undisclosed communications, as well as meetings of a personal nature, with the former City of Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick during the term of the consent judgments, which included inappropriate discussions with him about this lawsuit.”

A cynic might say that Kilpatrick slept with Wood to unduly influence her.

A cynic, or a bottom-liner.

After a phone call with Wood, and based on a review of the documents, Cook accepted her resignation effective 5 p.m. Thursday.

Kilpatrick has already been linked, romantically, with everyone from longtime friend and eventual city employee and fellow defendant Christine Beatty to mysterious women from other towns. Now the previously credible Wood seems to be among Kwame's girlfriends.

Kilpatrick is in exile in Texas, where he would appear to be a fish out of water. Kwame's not a Texas guy. But that's where he's fled.

Kwame Kilpatrick could have had it all. He could have been the most exciting thing to hit City Hall. Ever.

Now look at him.


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