Que Sarah, Sarah
So Sarah Palin says she has the "fire in my belly" to make a run for president in 2012. That's funny, because I also get a sensation in my belly at the thought of Palin as president, though I somehow doubt it's the same as hers. Actually, bring it, Sarah; a Palin campaign would be a carnival like few we've seen in recent presidential election years. How fun it would be to hear what she says next. There'd be thrills and chills and spills. You wouldn't be able to look away, while the "Palin for President" show tours the country, the star speaking to us from the back of its caboose. At least a snake oil salesman has snake oil to cure whatever ails you. Palin is all talk and no solutions. Her snake oil seems to be nothing more than placebo. She says she wants to "preserve what is good for America." If that doesn't sound like the usual "I'm more American than you" blather that the folks on the right incessantly spout, then...