Photo Opportunity

The matter of desiring the release of photographs showing a very dead Osama bin Laden has absolutely nothing to do with a thirst for morbidness or a sick desire to see such graphic images.

At least, not through these eyes.

President Obama steadfastly made the decision not to release the graphic photos to satisfy those seeking proof that bin Laden has, indeed, been eliminated. He told CBS' "60 Minutes" in an interview that will air on Sunday that the decision was fairly easy for him to make.

"Spiking the football" has been the term used to describe what releasing the photos would be, in allegory.

The fear is that releasing such images would put Americans in danger, globally. There are other reasons, too---including that we "don't do that kind of thing."

The words in quotes are not the president's, but rather an overall feeling that many pundits have demonstrated over the past few days.

What hasn't really been discussed too loudly is what the families of the 9/11 victims have to say about all this.

I don't think it's such a slam dunk for them, that these photos not be released.

The real one ought to be seen, too

It's easy for those not directly touched by 9/11---in terms of losing loved ones---to take the high road and declare the photos to be off limits.

Where are the advocates for the families? They ought to be crying for the photos.

You ever hear of closure?

Why hasn't anyone considered how much the viewing of a dead bin Laden might help the grieving process?

It's like in the cases of capital punishment. when the victims of the condemned are invited to witness the execution.

Would all victims' families want to view the photos? Of course not. But would some? You bet your sweet bippy---and more than just some.

I just don't know how much the release of the photos imperils us more as a nation, whether here or overseas. I'm pretty sure that train left the station when it was confirmed that bin Laden had been killed.

You think the terrorists are thinking, "Well, as long as they don't show the pictures of our dead leader, then we're good. But as soon as we see images, then it's on!!"


I respect Obama's decision, because it was made with little emotion and was very presidential.

I'm just a little taken aback that no one is advocating for the families of the 9/11 victims on this hot button issue. If someone is, then I'm missing it or it's not very loud.

Viewing gruesome photos of a dead Osama bin Laden isn't what I crave, personally. But I think those directly affected by his evilness ought to have the option of looking at the images, if they feel it would bring closure and drive home the nail of justice.

This isn't about spiking any imaginary football. It's about compassion for the families of bin Laden's murder victims.


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